星期三, 3月 29, 2006
4.木槳洗車棉...$110 真貴
還沒買臘哩 @@
裡頭已有洗車海棉、洗車精、拭水布、皮革保養乳、棕鋁臘、打臘布及一個水桶 ...
星期一, 3月 27, 2006
星期六, 3月 25, 2006
星期三, 3月 22, 2006
星期二, 3月 21, 2006
Ten academic writing links
2.Writing with Style: Two Useful Strategies for Students
3.Flags: A Classroom Activity
4.Fun Question Rounds for Children's English Classes
5.Rhymes, Stories and Songs in the ESL Classroom
6.Using Newspaper Articles Communicatively in the ESL Classroom
7.Communicative Group Activity: What's Your Opinion?
8.The Importance of Learning Styles in ESL/EFL
9.Using Translated First Language Literature in the Second Language Classroom
10Words to be Avoided in Academic Writing: How to Cope with Them
What I learned from professor Johanson's speech
l In the present, we have internet tool, something like google search engine, it can helps us on the writing. We should use them to improve us writing.
l The content of article should adjust to the audience, and write the way or words they are familiar to.
l While you are writing, don’t forget the reader’s responsibility and the writer’s responsibility.
l Remember move, we should know what the point is and know where the objective are going.
l Before we start to write, we should make up a draft. We shall list the points and then organize them, and they will form a coherence idea. At last, we can have the conclusion.
l Some people don’t like to share their work.
l “If a job is worth doing, then it is worth doing well” we shall change “well” into poor, because we won’t do things well at first time. We can put effort on it and keeps doing, and then we would learn lots of things.
l When we have a problem, we should get help, and the best helper is next to you that is your friend.
l Collaboration will help you learn each other.
l Find a topic, and practice with a team.
1. General reaction
Know the way how to write English-language writing, and the difference between reader’s and writer’s responsibility. The problem of Chinese student’s English-language writing is concentrate on grammar, but it doesn’t help in the writing. We should have more practice on writing.
2. Specific areas in which you might improve your own ”academic writing and evaluation”
From the recently work, I have problems on writing a way in English, because I will think Chinese sentence and then translate into English, but sometimes people, whose native language are English, won’t use some words in writing.
3. Strategies that you hope to use to improve your English-language writing skills in the future
l Group work
According to the professor Johanson’s speech, we should discuss our writing to each other.
l Make draft
First of all, I will list the points, just like professor Johanson said, before I start to write. After organizing them, we will get the idea that is coherence, and then we can start the writing.
l practice
Recently, I am doing the paper translation from Chinese to English that my professor assigned to me. I think it is a good way to improve English-language writing, because I can feel my writing skill is better. Although no one has read my translation, yet I can write it more smoothly.