如何close issue
指令有createIssue,但卻沒有close issue這指令
以下是官網的範例,用ruby寫的 # Close the issue with a resolution of "Fixed".
action = "2" # 2 = "Close". Note how this is actually a string, not an integer.
resolution_type = "1" # 1 = "Fixed". Also a string.
issue = soap.progressWorkflowAction(token, issue.key, action, [{ :id => "resolution", :values => resolution_type }])
判斷是否正確 $captcha = $request->getPost('captcha');
$captchaId = $captcha['id'];
// And here's the user submitted word...
$captchaInput = $captcha['input'];
// We are accessing the session with the corresponding namespace
// Try overwriting this, hah!
$captchaSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Form_Captcha_'.$captchaId);
// To access what's inside the session, we need the Iterator
// So we get one...
$captchaIterator = $captchaSession->getIterator();
// And here's the correct word which is on the image...
$captchaWord = $captchaIterator['word'] ;
// Now just compare them...
if ($captchaInput == $captchaWord)
echo "valid";
echo "invalid";
$this->view->captcha = new Zend_Form_Element_Captcha(
'captcha', // This is the name of the input field
array('label' => 'Write the chars to the field',
'captcha' => array( // Here comes the magic...
// First the type...
'captcha' => 'Image',
// Length of the word...
'wordLen' => 4,
// Captcha timeout, 5 mins
'timeout' => 300,
// What font to use...
'font' => 'captcha/arial.ttf',
// Where to put the image
'imgDir' => 'captcha/tmp/',
//<img src="?" > 的位置
'imgUrl' => 'http://' . $this->_request->getHttpHost() . $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/captcha/tmp/'
不要點及線只要在建構子下... $captcha = new Zend_Form_Element_Captcha(
'captcha', // This is the name of the input field
'lineNoiseLevel' => 0,
'dotNoiseLevel' => 0,
如果不要扭曲的字型,那就把_generateImage方法的內容改成以下程式碼 protected function _generateImage($id, $word)
if (!extension_loaded("gd")) {
require_once 'Zend/Captcha/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Captcha_Exception("Image CAPTCHA requires GD extension");
if (!function_exists("imagepng")) {
require_once 'Zend/Captcha/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Captcha_Exception("Image CAPTCHA requires PNG support");
if (!function_exists("imageftbbox")) {
require_once 'Zend/Captcha/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Captcha_Exception("Image CAPTCHA requires FT fonts support");
$font = $this->getFont();
if (empty($font)) {
require_once 'Zend/Captcha/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Captcha_Exception("Image CAPTCHA requires font");
Every day, a small ant arrives at work very early and starts work immediately.
She produces a lot was happy.
The Chief, a lion,
was surprised to see that the ant was working without supervision.
He thought if the ant can produce so much without supervision, wouldn’t she produce even more if she had a supervisor!
So he recruited a cockroach
who had extensive experience as supervisor and who was famous for writing excellent reports.
The cockroach’s first decision was to set up a clocking in attendance system.
He also needed a secretary to help him write and type his reports and …
... he recruited a spider, who managed the archives and monitored all phone calls.
The lion was delighted with the cockroach's reports
and asked him to produce graphs to describe production rates and to analyse trends, so that he could use them for presentations at Board‘s meetings.
So the cockroach had to buy a new computer and a laser printer and ...
... recruited a fly
to manage the IT department.
.. 並招募蒼蠅來管理資訊部門。
The ant, who had once been so productive and relaxed, hated this new plethora of paperwork and meetings which used up most of her time…!
The lion came to the conclusion that it was high time to nominate a person in charge of the department where the ant worked.
The position was given to the cicada, whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office.
The new person in charge, the cicada, also needed a computer and a personal assistant, who he brought from his previous department, to help him prepare a Work and Budget Control Strategic Optimisation Plan …
The Department where the ant works is now a sad place, where nobody laughs anymore and everybody has become upset...
It was at that time that the cicada convinced the boss , the lion, of the absolute necessity to start a climatic study of the environment .
Having reviewed the charges for running the ant’s department , the lion found out that the production was much less than before.
So he recruited the owl , a prestigious and renowned consultant to carry out an audit and suggest solutions.
The owl spent three months in the department and came up with an enormous report , in several volumes,
that concluded :
“ The department is overstaffed ...”
Guess who the lion fires first?
The ant , of course, because she
“showed lack of motivation and had a negative attitude".
The characters in this fable are fictitious; any resemblance to real people or facts within the Corporation is pure coincidence…
這個寓言裡的人物是虛擬的; 若與公司內部任何的人物或情事雷同係純屬巧合
dynamically load jquery if 'jQuery' does not exist function initJQuery() { //if the jQuery object isn't available
if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') {
if (typeof initJQuery.jQueryScriptOutputted == 'undefined') { //only output the script once..
initJQuery.jQueryScriptOutputted = true; //output the script (load it from google api)
setTimeout("initJQuery()", 50);
} else {
(function($){ // CLOSURE -> save to use $
$.fn.foo = function(input) {
alert("foo:" + input) ;
} ;
})(jQuery) ;
window.onload = function() {
$('body').foo("bar") ; // won't necessarily fire if jQuery loads after document load
PHP is a _____ scripting language based on the ____ engine. It is primarily used to
develop dynamic _____ content, although it can be used to generate ____ documents
(among others) as well.
A.Dynamic, PHP, Database, HTML
B.Embedded, Zend, HTML, XML
C.Perl-based, PHP, Web, Static
D.Embedded, Zend, Docbook, MySQL
E.Zend-based, PHP, Image, HTML
Result: B
Looking at the answers, the only one that makes sense for every blank is B. PHP is a
scripting language based on the Zend Engine that is usually embedded in HTML code. As
such, it is primarily used to develop HTML documents, although it can be used just as nicely to develop other types of documents, such as XML.
16.Under what circumstance is it impossible to assign a default value to a parameter while declaring a function?
A.When the parameter is Boolean
B.When the function is being declared as a member of a class
C.When the parameter is being declared as passed by reference
D.When the function contains only one parameter
When a parameter is declared as being passed by reference you cannot specify a default
value for it, since the interpreter will expect a variable that can be modified from within the
function itself. Therefore, Answer C is correct.
17.The ____ operator returns True if either of its operands can be evaluated as True, but not both.
Answer: xor
用法$result = ($A xor $B);
19. Which of the following expressions multiply the value of the integer variable $a by 4?
(Choose 2)
$a *= pow (2, 2);
$a >>= 2;
$a <<= 2;
$a += $a + $a;
None of the above
Result: A,C 嗯 是往左... 我怎麼會想成往右...