星期二, 4月 14, 2009

Sql Database 加減日期時間

  1. Query裡下日期條件
    SELECT * FROM `Record`
    WHERE YEAR(`RecordDate`) = '2009'
    AND MONTH(`RecordDate`) = '9'
  2. 加減日期時間
    問:取出RecordDate欄位,並加上480分鐘(UTC TimeZone)
    //add 480 mins
    Select DATE_ADD(RecordDate ,INTERVAL 480 MINUTE) as RecordDate From ...
    //substract 30 days
    `UpdateTime` Between DATE_SUB(NOW() ,INTERVAL 30 DAY) And NOW()

    Select dateadd("n",480,RecordDate) as RecordDate From ...
Value Explanation
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of the year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week
h Hour
n Minute
s Second
Access: DateAdd Function
