星期三, 10月 20, 2010

Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide 筆記 (三) - Web Programming & OO

  1. Web Programming 
    • Managing File Uploads
      檔案上傳後,php會將上傳檔移到暫存的地方,如果沒有複製或搬移,將會存活到script結束為止 透過$_FILES可取得上傳檔的資訊
      nameThe original name of the file
      typeThe MIME type of the file provided by the browser
      sizeThe size (in bytes) of the file
      tmp_nameThe name of the file’s temporary location
      errorThe error code associated with this file. A value of UPLOAD_ERR_OK indicates a successful transfer, while any other
      error indicates that something went wrong (for example, the
      file was bigger than the maximum allowed size).
      1. 檢查upload information為UPLOAD_ERR_OK
      2. 檢查檔案size not zero 及 tmp_name is not set to none.
      3. 存取檔案(2種方法)
        • is_uploaded_file(),檢查是否為上傳檔案,再進行複製 if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
          "File "$_FILES['userfile']['name'] ." uploaded successfully.\n";
          "Displaying contents\n";
          } else {
          "Possible file upload attack: ";
          "filename '"$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] . "'.";
        • move_uploaded_file()直接搬移檔案
          $uploads_dir '/uploads';
          foreach (
          $_FILES["pictures"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
              if (
          $error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
          $tmp_name $_FILES["pictures"]["tmp_name"][$key];
          $name $_FILES["pictures"]["name"][$key];

    • Http Headers
      • Redirection
        header("Location: http://phparch.com"); exit();
        在送出form,如果回上一頁,會出現要"重送資訊",如果要避免,就可以透過redirect forward到正確頁
  2. OO
