- push origin
git push可夾很多參數
- git push
即git push <remote>, 如果<remote>沒設定,便push到origin git push origin
即git push origin :.
The default behavior of this command when nois given can be configured by setting the push option of the remote.
For example, to default to pushing only the current branch to origin use git config remote.origin.push HEAD. Any valid(like the ones in the examples below) can be configured as the default for git push origin. git push origin :
自動推到相同名稱的分支git push origin master
(most likely, it would find refs/heads/master), and update the same ref (e.g. refs/heads/master) in origin repository with it. 未建立,會自動建立git push origin HEAD
將目前所在的branch推回origin下,同名稱的branch() git push origin master:satellite/master dev:satellite/dev
Use the source ref that matches master (e.g. refs/heads/master) to update the ref that matches satellite/master (most probably
refs/remotes/satellite/master) in the origin repository, then do the same for dev and satellite/dev. HEAD為目前所在branch,也可以直接下名稱;而後面master是push到origin下的branchgit push origin HEAD:master
git push origin master:refs/heads/experimental
Create the branch experimental in the origin repository by copying the current master branch. This form is only needed to create a new branch or
tag in the remote repository when the local name and the remote name are different; otherwise, the ref name on its own will work.git push origin :experimental
Find a ref that matches experimental in the origin repository (e.g. refs/heads/experimental), and delete it.git push origin +dev:master
Update the origin repository’s master branch with the dev branch, allowing non-fast-forward updates. This can leave unreferenced commits dangling
in the origin repository. Consider the following situation, where a fast-forward is not possible:
- git push
- push remote
- 送給某個repo
$ git push ssh://yourserver.com/~you/proj.git master
- 送給某個repo
星期五, 8月 12, 2011
git push 二三事
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