- 搶先一步的IT競爭力
- 南非Standard Bank加快發佈軟體2000倍
- 反之,若是競爭對手的速度快2000倍
- 實例Standard Bank
- 除了Dev與Ops Team外,更應用在流程面
- 新服務申請新的Server,層層的人工簽核
- 由於改變流程,因此花時間讓高層瞭解
- 熟悉用詞
- 導入衝擊
- 建立文化
- 將Dev, Ops於同一辦公室工作
- 宣言服裝(ChopChop)
Conquer CI Server - 樂天 直井和久
- 因無人專職維運CI Server,同仁也不太會用,所以效能低落
- 專職維運CI Server
- Project Metrics
- 指標太多,訂出要衡量什麼,才能取捨
- Show progress easily
- observer the transition
- Reduce exchange between Dev & Ops team
- 許多環境設定waste time on communication
- 透過CHEF, Docker
- Developer可自行測試
- Operation直接放設定檔
- 調整CI Alert mail
- 寫看的懂,留useful的資訊
- you don't need to measure everything. only useful information
- 逐步設定其他的metric
- how we nurture member
- share knowledge face-to-face weekly.
- Conclusion
- Find/measure/review Project Metrics to consolidate ... 忘了
- Use useful information for communication
- 相關軟體
- Cobertura
- Jacoco
Enterprise DevOps - Michael Ducy
- Cultural and Professional movement
- Book: The Phoenix Project
- Increasing the flow of work through the IT system
- DevOps are CALMS
- Culture (learning, improvement, failure and betterment)
- Automation (work flow)
- Lean
- Measurement (看的到,才知道要改善什麼)
- Sharing
- "... software is eating the world" Marc Anderson
- Lean
- 每次上版要花多少時間在process
- it's a waste
- 30 Day Challenges (DevOps Dojo)
- Time boxed Project
- Give origination a chance to experiment
- Eliminate old process to prove new
- Eliminate waste
- Culture 無法被管理
- 是有最底層的membr形成
- Managers are no longer a manager
- "the team i support"
- The Coaching kata
Yahoo 持續交付 - 應百怡
- CD如何保持Speed & Quality
- Speed
- Eliminate human involvement
- Small batch
- Easy to identity issue
- Check & revise
- Quality
- Build the right thing
- Small batch
- Build the thing right
- Lots test
- No human allowed
- Yahoo CEO
- 5 Stage
雲端OS Team落實CI - 雙子星執行長 符儒嘉
- Biz -> Dev -> Test -> Ops -> Market
- Dev過程有Agile
- Test有CD
- Ops有 infrastructure as code
- Branching Methodology
- feature
- release integration
- release candidate
Whoscall - 葉秉哲
- get a little better every single day
- 要monitoring什麼
- 從Risk management出發(risk有機會的意思)
- CPU Usage, 不busy的可調整
- Application
- Metric
- availible
- response time
- error
- Service
- pingdom => slack
- Crashlytics => slack
- 分析crash report
- DB
- Metric
- R/W lock
- Size
- Load
- Speed
- Service
- MongoDB Cloud Manager
- Poor Performance
- Metric
- instance metrics
- application metrics
- resource
- Malfunction
- log分析
- fluentd->elesticsearch
- 較複雜的用BigQuery
- New Realic
- 看stack trace
- 各段執行時間
- Java Metrics
- 程式自己定metric,不用再刻前後執行執行時間
- sentry
- slack
- hook在app裡
- Service
- 統一的fluentD 格式
- fluentD
- ruby實作,部份用c,效能較好
- logstash
- java實作,需jvm,效能較差 (講師:java魔人不要罵我)
- 普羅米修期
- 多維度,時間序列