星期二, 3月 04, 2008

JavaScript動態產生html tag

var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td = document.createElement("td");
td.innerText = "this is the text of td";

butt = document.createElement('BUTTON');
butt.appendChild(document.createTextNode('click me!'));
butt.onclick = downloadCourse;

var aElement = document.createElement("< a href=javascript:go() >< /a>");

var input1 = document.createElement("input"); // create input node
input.type = "checkbox"; // set type, others like text,radio
input.name ="chk"; // set name as its id


var input2 = document.createElement("< input type=button>"); 

//add attribute
var div = document.getElementById('div1'); 
var attr = document.createAttribute('class'); 
attr.value = 'cssClass1'; 
div .setAttributeNode(attr);
